How we grow it
It starts with planting
In our beautiful orchard in Lincolnshire, we’ve planted around 800 apple trees of twelve different varieties, all planted with the aim of enhancing the flavour of the cider we use them for. The team at Mill Farm carefully maintains this picturesque orchard, ensuring that each tree receives just the right amount of care and attention. The result of their hard work is a stunning display of colourful blooms in the Spring and luscious fruit in Autumn.

Each Tree is carefully checked
Taking care of apple trees is essential to ensure a great harvest! On our farm, we regularly check each apple tree by eye to spot any potential bugs or disease that might affect the fruit. We also keep an eye on the bees that live on our farm, as they help pollinate the apple blossoms. Without their help, we wouldn’t have such a beautiful and abundant crop!

A cider for all occasions
We have a selection of artisan ciders to choose from, including sweet, medium and dry that is sure to take your senses on a journey.

A cider for all occasions
We have a selection of artisanal flavours to choose from, including sweet and refreshing taste that is sure to take your senses on a journey.